Tax Exempt Customers

If you are a tax exempt and can provide your tax exempt license please follow the steps below.** Please note that we can NOT refund sales tax after an order has been placed. If you require a refund for sales tax after your order is placed you will need to file the proper forms with your state of exemption to receive the sales tax back directly from the state. **

  1. Create an account on
  2. Send an email to and include the following:
    • A valid tax exempt license
    • The email address that your account was created with
  3. We will send you a response to your email confirming that your account is now tax exempt. Once you have received the email you can place your tax exempt orders.

Please do not place any orders before we have confirmed your account is tax exempt. We are NOT able to refund sales tax once an order has been placed and you will be required to file forms to your tax-exempt state to get the sales tax back directly from your state of exemption.

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