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This Week in History | 3/29/2020 – 4/4/2020

This Week in History | 3/29/2020 - 4/4/2020

23 March 1775- During the Second Virginia Convention Patrick Henry responds to increasingly oppressive British rule. In his speech he would famously exclaim “I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”. After the signing of the Declaration of Independence he would be appointed the governor of Virginia.

25 March 1863-  The first Medals of Honor are awarded during the Civil War. The honorees were members of “Andrews Raid” a mission were Union Soldiers stole a Confederate train in Atlanta and attempted to cause damage to the rail lines as the traveled north to Chattanooga. All members were caught by the Confederates with some escaping and some being executed. The last MOH to be awarded from this mission to the leader, Andrew Smith, a civilian. It took 137 years for him to be fully recognized because of his civilian status during the war. Fun Fact! If you look through records of MOH recipients from the Civil War, there are A LOT. Regulations for receiving the award were much looser in that time because it was the only award for valor back then. 

29 March 1973- The last US Troops leave Vietnam after the Paris Peace Accords were signed in January. 

31 March 2005- A US Presidential Commission finds that US intelligence that prompted the Iraq war, was mostly in error in its findings. 

2 April 1866- President Andrew Johnson declares the Civil War over and peace between the states. 

4 April 1967- The US loses it 500th Plane of Vietnam. 

Thank you to all Veterans!  

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1 thought on “This Week in History | 3/29/2020 – 4/4/2020

  1. I am a proud military retiree and enjoy your articles on historical events of our military hope you continue them and I do make the occasional purchase

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